w w w . S o m a l i T a l k . c o m

Ra'iisul Wasaaraha DFKMG oo Dhambaal tacsi ah u Diray Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Britain

Ra'iisul wasaaraha Dawladda FKMG, Cali Maxamed Geedi, ayaa dhambaal tacsi ah waxa uu u diray ra'iisul wasaaraha dalka Britain, Tony Blair, uu uga tacsiyadaynayo qaraxyadii dhowaan lala beegsaday dalka Britain, qoraalkaas oo ku qornaa luqada Ingriiska waa kanhoos ku qoran:

ISHA: Xafiiska Ra'iisul wasaaraha, Jawhar, Soomaaliya.

Ref: OPM/122/05 Jowhar, 23rd July 2005

H. E. Tony Blair
Prime Minister
London - United Kingdom

Re: Condolence letter

Your Excellency,

It is with a great sorrow to know about the terrorist and barbaric actions which took place recently in your beloved country causing deaths and wounds of innocent citizens.

In this respect, on behalf of the Transitional Federal Government and the People of Somalia, I take this opportunity to extend our deepest condolences to the families, friends and relatives of the victims as well as your Government and people.

However, it is also worthwhile to appeal all the world leaders to join efforts and work hand in hand to combat against terrorism in all its forms in order to allow the world communities to live in peace, liberty and prosperity as a global obligation.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest considerations.

Ali Mohamed Gedi
The Prime Minister

Faafin: | July 24, 2005

Warar Googoos ah:: July 23, 2005:::
»Kulan cilmiyeedkii labaad oo ka furmay magaalada Qardho 
»Nuuro C/llaahi Xaaji oo ka warbixisay kulankii S.Human Rights
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Wararka oo dhan ka akhri halkan...

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Kulaabo bogga 