Somali Republic
Permanent Mission To The United Nations
Press Release
Somalia Mission to the UN
Press Release No 4-2002
Recent statements made by warlord Hussein Aideed alledging arms shipments to the TNG are false and baseless. It is an attempt to take credit for TNG’s initiative to the Security Council to enforce the arms embargo on Somalia.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia Yusuf Hassan Ibrahim in his address to the Security Council on March 11, 2002 requested the Council to reactivate the Sanctions Committee established under Security Council Resolution (733) of 1992. The Somali Foreign Affairs Minister proposed as a matter of urgency the enforcement of the sanctions regime in Somalia by the creation of a panel of experts/monitors as a mechanism for enforcement. The request of the Minister of Foreign Affairs which received wide support in the Security Council is aimed to stop the illegal arms flow from a neighboring country which continues to arm the warlords and flood Somalia with all kinds of weapons.
The TNG is not interested in arming itself. On the contrary, we have repeatedly asked the international community to assist us in the disarmament and demobilization of our own militias. We have also asked the Libyan Government to fund the purchase of weapons from the militias in Mogadishu to which Libya has most graciously agreed to. We have adequately briefed the UN on this issue.
Neither Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti nor any other Arab country supplies arms to the TNG. The same applies to Eritrea.
Those who propagate these false accusations suffer from chronic Arabphobia.
New York, March 19, 2002
425 East 61st Street, Suite 702 New York, N .Y. 10021 Tel: (212) 688-9410 Fax: (212) 759-0651
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Hussein Aideed Accuses Asmara, Tripoli And Djibouti - Calls for Air Embargo On Somalia
Addis Ababa, Mar 19, 2002 (The Daily Monitor/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- Current Chairman of the Somalia Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC), Hussein Mohamed Farah Aideed yesterday accused Eritrea, Djibouti, and Libya of collaborating in the supply and delivery of armaments to groups in Somalia.
Aideed told journalists here during a press conference held at the Ghion Hotel, that the shipments were flown in, to an airport outside Mogadishu on March 5,8,9 and 10, by an Airline based in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E).
He said two shipments of arms were also brought into Somalia via the Bossaso port, arriving on a 300-ton merchant boat that operates in Eritrea, Djibouti, Yemen and the U.A.E.
He alleged that the weapons were intended for groups such as the Al-Ittihad, Al-Tabliq, Al-Islah, the Al-Qaeda network and the self-declared president of the State of Puntland Jamac Cali Jamac.
"These deliveries were done via Eritrea and Djibouti both IGAD member states, with the collaboration of the State of Libya as they called themselves the Sea Line Task Force and [are] originally financed and supplied by a network of some Arab league countries namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, Djibouti and Qatar, whom have different interests in the Horn of Africa and specifically Somalia," Aideed said.
He said that Libya, Eritrea and Djibouti have created a group called the Sea Line Task Force and were signing various agreements for fishing projects banana export projects, under the guise of which he claimed they were infusing arms into Somalia.
The Libyan Foreign Minister however, is reported to have denied any sponsoring of arms into Somalia.
Aidid and AP: DOOD FURAN ....
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Halkan [18/3]
AFEEF: Aragtiyaha qoraalkan waa mid u gaara qoraaga ku saxiixan
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