Ra'iisal Wasaaraha oo kulan horudhac ah la qaatay dhiggiisa dalka Yugandha
Kampala, April 9, 20130-------Ra'iisal Wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon Saacid
iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo maata booqasho ku yimid dalka Yugandha ayaa wada
xaajood dheer oo dhinacyo badan taabtay la yeeshay Ra'iisal Wasaaraha Yugandha
Mudane Amama Mbabazi.
Labada Ra'iisal Wasaare waxay si qotadheer uga wada hadleen arrimaha iskaashiga
ee labada wadan, gaar ahaana dhinaca amniga, dhaqaalaha iyo horumarka, ayadoo
ugu horeyn uu Ra'iisal wasaaruhu ka mahad celiyay doorka suuban ee Yugaandha uga
jirto dadaalka sida rasmiga ah loogu nabadeynayo dalka Soomaaliya.
"Dawladda Yugandha waxaan uga mahadcelinayaa doorkeeda muuqda ee howl-galka
nabad illaalinta AMISOM, waxayna aheyd dawladdii u horeysay ee ku timaada
gurmadka AMISOM u gashay badbaadada Soomaaliya" ayuu yiri Ra'iisal Wasaaruhu.
Ra'iisal Wasaaraha ayaa faah-faahin ka bixiyay ujeedada socdaalkiisa uu ku
marayo wadamada gobolka iyo midkan uu gaar ahaan ku yimid dalka Yugaandha.
"Waxaan idiinkugu nimid inaan dardargelino howlaha sugida ammaanka iyo xasilinta
dalka, anagoo wadna qorsheyaal cusub oo aanu dooneyno inaan si buuxda ula
kaashano AMISOM oo Yugandha kaalinta ugu weyn kaga jirto" ayuu yiri Ra'iisal
Wasaaruhu isaga oo intaas ku daray in qatarta argagixiso ee Al-Shabaab aysan
aheyn mid la sahlan karo una baahantahay iskaashi buuxa.
Dhanka kale, Ra'iisal Wasaaraha dalka Yugandha Amama Mbabazi ayaa isna dhankiisa
ka mahadceliyay booqashada Ra'iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, wuxuuna aad u soo
dhoweeyey qorshaha cusub ee dawladda ku dooneyso in ay ku soo celiso amniga iyo
xasiloonida dalka Soomaaliya.
Wadahada u dhexeeya wafdiga Ra'iisal Wasaaraha iyo dawladda Yugaandha ayaa sii
socon doona, waxaana qorshaysan in Ra'iisal Wasaaruhu la kulmo madaxweynaha
dalka Yugandha Yuweri Mesevini isaga oo kala hadli doona iskaashiga labada dal.
Garad Salad Hersi
Press officer, PM office
Kampala, Uganda
April 9, 2013
Prime Minister seeks regional support to nation building for Somalia
His Excellency Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon in a regional tour to
strengthen relationship between the new Somalia and countries in the region
today arrived in Kampala, Uganda meeting with his counterpart Amama Mbabazi and
other government officials.
Prime Minister highlighted new government initiatives toward getting public
support and fight Al-shabab. Showing a great level of trust with his government
and the Somali people the Prime Minister asked the government of Uganda the
backing needed to implement new security and development related initiatives. He
pointed out that the Somali people are seeking solutions to the internal issues
and also mentions the growing government support after concluding a “listening
tour” in the country.
“We understand the urgency and the need to protect our people from terrorists
and securing our borders. We are determined to insert new initiatives in the
nation building process,” Prime Minister said. “We seek your support to face
some of the divisive issues and challenges that are rooted in our history.”
Prime Minster indicated the need to expand the scope and the operation of the
AMISOM troops in Somalia. He believes the security situation has improved and
there is a need to work on delivering services in order to maintain government
mandate. He pointed out that his government would like to see Uganda taking an
active role in capacity building and helping in the process of reforming
security institutions. Hence, the Uganda Prime Minister warmly welcomed his
request and reassured his government’s support to Somalia.
“We are committed ourselves helping you fight and overcome terrorism, which we
feel threaten here in Uganda,” Prime Minister Mbabazi said. He commended
boosting the confidence of the Somali people to submit to the state and defeat
Al-shabaab terrorist group that don’t offer opportunities to the Somali people.
Ahmed Adan
Prime Minister’s Media Office
Mogadishu, Somalia
Email: media@opm.gov.so
Mobile: +252 (0) 616 440 028
Faafin: SomaliTalk.com | April 8, 2013