Haddaan dib u qooransano Taariikhda Aduunka, waxad ku
arkeysaa Heerarkuu soo maray gaadiidka adduunka, mar
xaladahiisa kala duwan ,sida Fardaha,Dameerada,Dibiyadda,
iyo Geelaba oo lo adeegsan jiray safarka, iyo
Xamuulkaba.Sidaa darteed ayuu caalamku sameeyay horumar
iyo Tadawur baxad leh oo dhinaca gaadiidka ah. Qarnigii
15aad, sanadkii 1515 kii, caalamku waxaa hogaanka u
qabtay Burtaqiiska iyo Isbeyn, waxay bilaabeen iney
sahmin dheer u galaan dunidda oo markaasi kala xirneyd,
waxayna adeegsadeen doonyo farsamo tayo liita ahaa,
waxaana u suura galay iney helaan Qaarado cusub sida
Afrika, iyo Ameerika, iyo Jasiirado kal oo yar yar,
taasi waxaa suurtagaliyay gaadiidka Badda oo waqtigaasi
tartan ku jiray.
kale, sanadkii 1914 Kii Dagaalkii kowaad ee Adduunka
waxaa xoog u hormaray sameeyska Gaadiidka Cirka iyo
Dhulka, Dagaalkaasoo u badnaa adeegsiga Cirka iyo Dhulka.
Dagaalkii Labaadna ee Aduunka 1939, waxaa horumar iyo
farsamo cusub ku soo kordhay saddexda nooc ee Gaadiidka
oo kala ah Dhulka, Cirka, iyo Baddaba, taasoo
suuragelisay in tartan dhinacaas ah bilowdo oo wax
caqliga ka fog la soo bandhigay,taasoo mujineyso in la
soo saaray Dayaaradaha Codkooda ka dheereeya, Maraakiib
noocyo badan leh oo badda quusa, Tareeno dhulka hoostisa
mara, Baaburo raaxo, xamuul, iyo quruxba u dhan yahiin
oo maalinba maalinta ka dambeeysa yaab cusub
keenaya.Dalkeena Soomaaliya, way u dhamaayeen noocyada
gaadiid ee aduunka ka jira, laakin Sanadkii 1991 kii, oo
Dagaalka sokeeye bilowday ayaa la waayay dhamaan
gaadiiskaas, kuwii harayna ay aawoodi waayeen iney isku
socdaan dagaalada darteed.Maxaa biloowday? Waxaa
biloowday in qof walba uu farsameeysto gaadiid u gaar ah
oo danihiisa gaarka ku qabsado, sida Gaari gacanka oo ah
mid fudud oo ka sameeysan Alwaax, iyo hal taayar buufsan.
gacanka maxuu qabtay?
Gaari gaacanka wuxuu qeyb weyn ka qaatay Samata bixinta
naftii,hanti, iyo wixii noolosha la xiriira, sababto ah
gaadiidkii yar iyo waaweynka lahaa ayaa awoodi waayay
inuu dhaqaaqo, xanibaadna la kulmay, cabsida dagaalka
darteed.Gaari gacanka ayaa door weyn ka ciyaaray isku
xirka xaafadaha iyo Degmooyinka si uu u gaarsiiyo
Badeecadaha suuqyada laga iibiya, Dhaawacyadda dhexyaal
goobaha dagaalada, meydadka ku dhintay dagaalka, hantida
dadka la barakiciyay ay leeyahiin. Sidaa darteed ayuu
gaari gacanka uu helay magaca ah (Laan Qeyrta Cas) ama
Gargaarka deg-dega ah oo meel walba isku xira.Sida aan
ognahay suuqyada waaweeyn ee dalka Soomaaliya waa kuwa
aad iyo aad u ciriiri ah jidadka dhexmarana gawaari
waaweyn aysan dhex mari Karin, sidaa daarteed ayaa
badeecadaha ay wadaan soo gaarsiiyaan meel aad ugu fog
Bakhaarka ay ku rogi lahaayeen, howshaas aad u aadag
waxaa suura geliya oo fududeeya waa gaari gacanleeyda oo
mar walba soo daabula kalana geeya goobaha looga baahdo,
howshaas baaxada leh oo u baahan in la qiimeeyo, lana
abaal mariyo waxaa gacanta ku hayo waa gaari
Dhibaatooyinka loo geeysto gaari gacanleeydu waa
Gaari gacanleeyda dhibaatooyin iyo xadgudubyo aad iyo
aad u weyn ayaa la kulmaan mar walba tan iyo markii
howlaha xamaalka gacanta la galeen, sanadkii 1991 kii
ilaa xiligaan aan joogno. Ninka gaari gacanka wata wuxuu
ku jiraa dadaal uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu fududeenayo
adeegyada kala duwan oo dhibka badan, xanuunka
leh,isagoo naftiisa u huray goobaha xabaddaha ka socdaan
si uu soo badbaadiyo dhaawaca dhiig baxaya,midka naftu
ku dhiban tahay,iyo maatida dhaqaaqi weysay
madaafiicdana ka baxsan la’.
Gaari gacanleeydu dhibaatada u gaarka ah waxaa ka mid
1. in aan la siinin lacagaha lagula soo heshiiyay.
2. In si bareer ah loogu gabood falo sharaftiisa, iyo
3. In loo saariyo xamul uusan qaadi Karin, aad u culus,
sida 250 Kg ama shan loor oo raashin ah, iyo foostooyin
shidaal ah, meel fogna geeynaya lacag aan u qalmina la
4. In lagu ciriiriyo wadadda uu culeeyska ku wado,
iyadoo la arkaayo in uu qof isaga laafyoonaya, qeylada
naf baxa ahna aan dhegba jalaq loo siin.
5. Xiliga ugu dhibta badan gaari gacanlaha waa xiliga
roobka da’aya oo suuqyada dhiiqo iyo biyo fariisi
noqdaan, marka dhiiqada gaariga la marsiiyana dadka
dhooqadu ku faniinto, maskiinkii gaari gacanlaha ahaana
loogu bedelo xabadd, dhooqadii uu seeray darteed,
sidaasna ku dhinto.
Waxaana isweydiin mudan ma siman tahay, dhiiqo biyo ka
dambeeysa iyo qof muslim ah naftiisa la gooyo? Waa
su’aal furan.
6. Kuwa ayaa loo maagaa si ula kac ah, iyagoo loogu
marmarsiiyaayo maxaad
iigu taabatay gaarigaaga, haduu hadlana si ula kac ah
loo dilo, Naftiisa loo dhaafsiiyo, gaari gacanlaha oo
door muhiim ah ugu fadhiya bulshadda Soomaaliyeed.
7. Gaari gacanleeydana waxay inta badan adeegsadaan
kaniiniyada firfircoonida kordhiya, sida valiyum,
diyaasbam, iyo efaderin, si ay u kaalmeeystaan, iyagoon
ogeyn in dhibaato baddan u kordhinaayo marka ay
isticmaalkiisu ay badsadaan.
Hay’adda Khaliif Huudow ee Xuquqda Aadanaha (KAHRO)
waxay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqeeysaa in loo turo
Gaari gacanleeyda oo howlo aad u adag bulshada u haya.
In ay gacan ku siiyaan howlaha adag oo dhibka badan, cid
walbna u baahan siduu u gudan lahaa, loona fududeeyo
xaqa uu leeyahay.
Ugu dambeeyntii waa in la xushmeeyaa, lana dhowraa xaqa
uu leeyahay ninka shaqaalaha ah lana xasuustaa xadiiskii
rasuulkeena Naxariis iyo Nabadgelyo korkisa ha ahaate oo
ahaa.” Qofka shaqaalaha ah., wuxuu sahaqeeysto siiya
intaanu dhididkiisu qalalin, si aad ajar ugu heshaan”.
waxaa soo uruuriyay Hey'adda Xuquuqeda Aadnaha ee
Khaliif Huudow oo marka la soo gaabiyo loo yaqaanKAHRO
Cinwaankeennu waa:- E-mail:-
. Tel:- 2521-215326, Mobile: 2521-272038, 2525-964347.
Kala soo xiriir
Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro
If we look back the world history of transportation, we
understand the achievement and development of world
At first man knows how to use Horses, Donkeys, Oxen, and
Camels for traveling and carrying loads.
Therefore, the world made advancement for inventing new
technology. In 15th Century, Portugal, and Spain lead
the world for expletory new countries such as Africa,
America, and other small Islands, due to voyage of boats
with inefficiency technology.
After that, during the First and Second World War, Air
and Land transportation increased its need, a lot of
Aircrafts, Tanks, and Heavy Automobiles were invented to
accelerate the war and day after day a new effectual
design with sophisticated knowledge are in moving. You
can see Supersonic Airplanes, Sub way Trains with latest
technology, a luxurious, comfortable, and multi purpose
cars are increasing day by day with undreamed-of
computerized methods.
Our Somali country had all the above mentioned
transportation, but in the year 1991, when Somali Civil
war broke out majority of the transportations scarcity
in the cities ir Districts of the country. The remain
will not be able to maneuver big streets or roads in the
markets, due to eerie of the war.
What had begun?
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Every person tries to make a special cart to use its
requirements or to fill-full his daily needs that is a
What is a wheelbarrow?
Wheelbarrow is a simple cart with one tyro in front, and
a wooden plate form of two handles, it’s used for
carrying all loads or goods.
Wheelbarrows are driven by strong, lusty men called
wheelbarrow drivers (GAARI GACALE) in Somali language.
Wheelbarrow take part the task of survivor the lives,
properties, and all assets relates to human life, for
the time that vehicles are not be able to move or did
the chance of communication, because that period the
lurid of the war was alerted many places.
Wheelbarrows played a lion share for linking villages,
districts, and towns of many places, for the goods
loaded by trucks that are needed to sell in stores,
helping the victims of wound persons laying front line
of the fight, assisting the death persons killed on the
war, or the effects of the vulnerable people displaced
to their homes. Therefore wheelbarrows got a new name,
which is (RED CRESENT), or First Aid cart, or an
Ambulance with out boundaries.
As we know Big Markets in cities of Somalia has small
narrow paths, which are not able to pass heavy vehicles
that carrying loads, so they came a place near to the
stores to unload the goods, wheelbarrows are the ones
who facilitates that work for loading and unloading the
goods from the trucks to the whole sell stores.
What are the transgress of the wheel barrows? Wheel
barrows always appear abuse and violation every time
from the period they started to take the job of carrier
in 1991 up to now. Wheelbarrow drivers are effectual
persons who facilitate the Somali people to the hard
work of different categories daily in need They take
many painful works such as carrying injure bleed to
death persons to the hospitals, the vulnerable who are
not be able to escape the bullets or heavy cannons.
What are the disgusts of the wheelbarrows?
1. Not to give the apprise agreement of payment.
2. To abduct direct to his life, and dignity.
waxaa soo uruuriyay Hey'adda Xuquuqeda Aadnaha ee
Khaliif Huudow oo marka la soo gaabiyo loo yaqaan
Cinwaankeennu waa:- E-mail:- Kahro87@hotmail.com. Tel:-
2521-215326, Mobile: 2521-272038, 2525-964347.
Kala soo xiriir
Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro
E-Mail amiinkhasaaro@hotmail.com
If we look back the world history of transportation, we
understand the achievement and development of world
At first man knows how to use Horses, Donkeys, Oxen, and
Camels for traveling and carrying loads.
Therefore, the world made advancement for inventing new
technology. In 15th Century, Portugal, and Spain lead
the world for expletory new countries such as Africa,
America, and other small Islands, due to voyage of boats
with inefficiency technology.
After that, during the First and Second World War, Air
and Land transportation increased its need, a lot of
Aircrafts, Tanks, and Heavy Automobiles were invented to
accelerate the war and day after day a new effectual
design with sophisticated knowledge are in moving. You
can see Supersonic Airplanes, Sub way Trains with latest
technology, a luxurious, comfortable, and multi purpose
cars are increasing day by day with undreamed-of
computerized methods.
Our Somali country had all the above mentioned
transportation, but in the year 1991, when Somali Civil
war broke out majority of the transportations scarcity
in the cities ir Districts of the country. The remain
will not be able to maneuver big streets or roads in the
markets, due to eerie of the war.
What had begun?
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Every person tries to make a special cart to use its
requirements or to fill-full his daily needs that is a
What is a wheelbarrow?
Wheelbarrow is a simple cart with one tyro in front, and
a wooden plate form of two handles, it’s used for
carrying all loads or goods.
Wheelbarrows are driven by strong, lusty men called
wheelbarrow drivers (GAARI GACALE) in Somali language.
Wheelbarrow take part the task of survivor the lives,
properties, and all assets relates to human life, for
the time that vehicles are not be able to move or did
the chance of communication, because that period the
lurid of the war was alerted many places.
Wheelbarrows played a lion share for linking villages,
districts, and towns of many places, for the goods
loaded by trucks that are needed to sell in stores,
helping the victims of wound persons laying front line
of the fight, assisting the death persons killed on the
war, or the effects of the vulnerable people displaced
to their homes. Therefore wheelbarrows got a new name,
which is (RED CRESENT), or First Aid cart, or an
Ambulance with out boundaries.
As we know Big Markets in cities of Somalia has small
narrow paths, which are not able to pass heavy vehicles
that carrying loads, so they came a place near to the
stores to unload the goods, wheelbarrows are the ones
who facilitates that work for loading and unloading the
goods from the trucks to the whole sell stores.
What are the transgress of the wheel barrows? Wheel
barrows always appear abuse and violation every time
from the period they started to take the job of carrier
in 1991 up to now. Wheelbarrow drivers are effectual
persons who facilitate the Somali people to the hard
work of different categories daily in need They take
many painful works such as carrying injure bleed to
death persons to the hospitals, the vulnerable who are
not be able to escape the bullets or heavy cannons.
What are the disgusts of the wheelbarrows?
1. Not to give the apprise agreement of payment.
2. To abduct direct to his life, and dignity.
waxaa soo uruuriyay Hey'adda Xuquuqeda Aadnaha ee
Khaliif Huudow oo marka la soo gaabiyo loo yaqaan
Cinwaankeennu waa:- E-mail:-
. Tel:- 2521-215326, Mobile: 2521-272038, 2525-964347.
Kala soo xiriir
Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro
Faafin: SomaliTalk.com | July 31, 2004
Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa leh qoraaga u saxiixan
Kulaabo bogga hore ee www.somalitalk.com