Guled | Ama 0044-(0) 7947240437
Wax yaabaha aan baaritaanka ku sameynayo waxa ay kala yihiin sida soo socoto.
a) Cadadka iyo sababta Soomaalida lagu diley Ingiriiska.
b) Cadadka iyo sababta Soomaalida xabsiyada Ingiriiska ku jirta.
c) Cadadka iyo sababta caruurta Somalida ee ha’adaha xanaanada caruurtu hayaan Ingiriiska.
d) Qoomiyadaha kale ee magaca Somalinimada ku jooga wadankaan.
Waxaan si weyn u aminsanahay in dhibaatada heesata dadkeeyga Soomaaliyeed ay ka weyn tahay wax laga amusnaa karo ama indhaha laga qarsan karo, sidaas darteed waxaan bilaabay in aan baaritaan ku sameeyo. Dhibaatoyinka aan kor kusoo sheegay aniga oo weliba og in ay adagtahay qabashada hoshaas aniga oo allena guul ka sugaya dadkeeyga Somaliyedna kaalmo ka rejeynaya. Waxana u kala qaaday sida aan kor kusoo sheegayba,
1) Cadadka dadka Soomaalida ah ee wadankaan lagu diley dhowrkii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, sababta loo diley, iyo waxa dowlada Ingiriisku ka qabatay aritaas.
2) Sida la aminsan yahay cadad fara badan oo Soomaali ah ayaa xabsiyada wadankaan ku jira kuwaas oo rag iyo dumarba leh arinta ay u xiran yihiin iyo laxadooda xabsigaba wax badan kama hayaan Soomaalida ama hey’adaha kale ee arimahaan daneeya.
3) Caruur badan oo Soomaaliya ayey sheegeen in ay hayaan hey’adaha xanaanada caruurtu kuwaas oo isugu jira yar iyo weyn gabdho iyo wilal, ogaashaha xaaladooda iyo weliba in laga sheqeeyo sidii caruurtaas loogu heli lahaay qooysaas Soomaaliyeed oo korsada waa arin aad muhiim u ah, damaceeyga foguna waa sidaas.
4) Arinta afaraad oo ah mid kurbo weyn ku heysa Jaaliyada Soomaalida ee Ingiriska ku nool oo ah in dad farabadan oo Soomaali aheyn Soomaalinimo Ingiriiska ku joogaan islamarkaasna sharciyo lagu siiyey. Dadkaan oo ah kuwa inta badan dambiyada Soomaalida lagu eedeeyo iyagu gala ayaa dhibkodu intaas ku ekeyn, nin Soomaaliya oo dadkaan dhibaato kaso gaartey wuxuu yiri. “waxaan ku noolahay meel aniga iyo inta kale ee Soomaalida runtaa ah marwalba nala wediiyo in aan soo cadeeyno Soomaali nimadeena, turjumaanadeenu waa dad aan afka Soomaaliga ku hadlin macalimiinta loogu tala galay in ay caruurteena wax barasha ka caawiyaan waa dad aan Afsomali ku hadlin hadane Soomaalinimo nala sheganaya. Dadkaanu Soomaali melna kama soo gelin Soomaaliyana kama imaan Soomaalida kale ee wadamada deriska ah ku noolna ma ahan in badana waxaan isku daynay in aan dowlada ingiriiska uga dacwoono laakiin illaa iyo hada wax laga qabtay majiraan”.
Hadaba walalayal dhibaatooyinka aan kor kusoo sheegay iyo kuwa kale oo farabadan ayaa ku dhaca dadkeena maalin walba laakiin caawimaadada iyo teeyda oo la isku daro wax weyn ayey u tareysaa dadkeena (fadlan igu caawi wixi war bixin ah ee aad Soomaalida ka heysid kuna saabsan dhibaatooyinka kor ku xusan iyo kuwa kale intaba) Waxaa la igala soo xariirikara
Mahad Allaa iska leh: anaguna ajirka waxan sameyno.
My main research will be focus on the four following important issues.
a) Somali murder cases.
b) Somali in prison cells.
c) Somali children in adoption facilities.
d) Somali identities, which have been used by many other refugees in this country.
I strongly believe that the vulnerability of Somali community in Britain or elsewhere is far beyond to be silent and there is moral obligation upon us to implement these issues, and others, that are very significant for the Somali communities. I acknowledge the problems that Somali refugees faced in the recent years is more than something that I can describe in words but I’m in process of prioritising the categories of Somali community problems. As the Somalis experienced bad memories in war torn and bullets still whistling on their ears they found very hard to adopt the new system and to integrate with other communities. They became soft and soundless many of them are suffering with depression, and homesickness they are in tough situation.
1) According to some source of information there are great numbers of Somalis in the prison cells in this country for different reasons both men and women their condition in the prison still unknown. This is the report from Prison Reform Trust has recently published also this report doesn’t identified any nationality but many Somalis thought to be among them “Forgotten Prisoners the plight of foreign national prisoners in England and Wales, which examines the increasing numbers of foreign nationals being held in British prisons, the problems that they encounter, and the inconsistency of their treatment”.
2) Approximately over 25 Somalis have been murdered for the last couple years in Britain and as far as we concern only few criminals were brought to justice, but other killers are freely walking on the streets with the Somali blood stains in their hands. “Suhail Saleh collapsed at All Saints Roman Catholic secondary school in Barmulloch, Glasgow, on February 24 2004. Report says he was allegedly involved in a scuffle at the school and was later pronounced dead at the city's Stobhill Hospital, and there was no further action”. But there is great doubt and disbelief among the Somali community that Saleh’s death was an accident and they strongly belief that the police mishandle the case.
“Galal Hamza, 25 year old, was shot in the forehead when three men in Redcliffe Gardens near Earls Court, at 2.25am confronted him and a friend, Hamza, died the next day but his friend, who was shot in the groin, is recovering in hospital.
The above names of those who were killed may Allah bless their soul are just very small number comparing to others who never have been mentioned. Somali community had lost many talented figures in hand of criminals in Britain, and the families of those who were killed are still in tears and mourn but unfortunately their voices never reached of their feet’s.
3) Social services and adoptions agencies have enormous numbers of Somali children in different ages. When I spoke to one adoption agency based in Harrow I have been told some of the names and ages of those in their facility and also she said “our priority is to find each child for a family who share with culture and religion and compatible for adoption because we don’t want these children to lost identities and I have tried so many times to reach Somalis as we have many Somali children”. I’m sure those of you who read this information will pay their sympathy for our community but they need more than that before it gets too late.
4) Somali identities have been used by many other none Somali refuges in Britain, there are some certain places which has been highlighted where the number of Somali refuges were estimated about 600 families but only less than 150 are Somali speakers and other 450s are not Somali. These people who claimed to be Somali are well established and managed to have community offices, charity organizations, etc. One Somali speaker who was complaining about these none Somalis said “I live where me and other real Somalis are always asked to prove our Somaliness by these none Somalis. We are large community in here namely but for the reality we’re very tiny, these people are not Somali they can’t speak Somali, not from Somali mainland nor other Somalis, every Somali community office is run by them our learning supporters are always none Somali speakers, our interpreters are none Somalis speakers, and we protested this so many times to the authority even the Home office but nothing been done”.
My fellow Somalis all these problems and many others are happening to our community every day and as I said before their voice never reached out of their feet’s, we are invisible community in this country. Our people are living in darkness and suffering very seriously in behind the scene, but with the help of you and me they can progress positively. I have conducted this research in which I have been doing for the last couple months for the welfare of my people and my objective is to collect as many information as I can in order to reach those who are in need, so please do help me with any information concerning these issues. Wherever you are who ever you are whatever you can however you can. You can contact me by E-mail: or mobile 0044-(0) 7947240439
I’m looking forward to hear from you
Kind regards
Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxaa leh qoraaga ku saxiixan
Kulaabo bogga hore ee