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Georgia Somali Students Union (GSSU) oo Doortay Gudoomiye

wardheere Maxamuud Nuur Wardheere 

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Nov 14, 2003 


I  I  D  H  E  H


Dear Georgia Somali Student Union - GSSU Members.

On Behalf of Election Committee I would like to say thanks to all for giving us the wonderful opportunity to manage the election process. it was not an easy job but thanks to Allah the process went well. I believe in my heart that was a big turning point in the history of GSSU. the number of the students who voted were 52. one was disqualicified because there was no mark on ballot paper. The race was neck to neck and we were forced to extend time to make a difference.

The results were as follow
Burhan 26 votes . 51%
Nasir 25 votes. 49%

This is close vote and it show how matured those two guys were in conducting their campaign.

What is next now???. Burhan Abdi Ahmed and his team of new officials should work together. Nasardin A. Yonis is also important part of the this group, we should develop unity among ourselves and the union. Leadership role is difficult. The success of the union will be measured by unity of the group and committed members who will take this fragile baby born in the colliders of african community center on 25th 2003 at 3.15pm. Good luck all and remember together we can make a difference. I have done my share thanks for the opportunity. I love you all.

Sharmarke Election Committee.


Ardada Soomaaliyeed oo dhigta jaamacadaha Georgia State oo lagu qiyaaso ilaa 100 arday ayaa go’aan saday in ay is habeeyaan oo maamul samaystaan si ay dantooda u gaaraan ama dadkooda wax u taraan. Arrintaas dhowaan ayay ka dhabeeyeen waana guul u soo hoyatay Soomaalida ku nool gobolkaas.

Haddii ay ardada ishabeeyaan oo ay maamul iyo wadatashi iyo ismaqal yeeshaan waxaa caddaatay in ay naftooda iyo umaddoodaba wax u qaban kraan. Ururka Midowga Ardada Minnesota (MSSU) ayaa muujiyaya hormoodnimo fiican markii ay goor hore samaysteen urur bulshada reer Minnesotana wax ku soo kordhiyay weliba sanadkan qabtay shirweynihii ardada waqooyiga America.

Ardada Soomaaliyeed ee Georgia waxa ay gudoomiye u doorteen Mudane Burhan A. Ahmed oo ah halgame hore loo yaqaanay. Burhaan oo ka qalin jebiyay Delkab Technical Collage kana qaatay Associate degree in Computer Information System haddana waxbarashadiisa sare ka sii wataa Georgia Perimeter Collage asagoo baranaya maadada Education.

Burhaan A. Ahmed oo hadda ah gudoomiye ku xigeenka ururka waalidka iyo macalimiinta (PTA) ee dugsiga Indian Creek Elementry waana tababaraha wiilasha kubadda cagta ee Junior Versity.

Burhan A. Ahmed oo ah aas aasihii Somali Education Night ee Georgia waxaa dhowr goor la gudoonsiiyay shahaadooyin abaalmarin oo ka turjumayo dadaalkiisa abaabul ee uu ka gaystay Georgia. Dadkii gudoonsiiyay shahaadooyinka waxaa ka mid ah.

Somali Community of Minnesota iyo Congresswoman Denise L. Majette representative of 4th district ee Georgia.

Waxaan u hambalyaynaynaa Mudane Burhan, GSSU, iyo dadka taageera waxaanan u rajaynaynaa inay waxbarashada ka miro dhaliyaan dadkoodana anfacaan.

Burhan waxaa lagala xiriiri karaa

Maxamuud Nuur Wardheere    

Minneapolis, Minnesota USA.


Dad siyaasad isaga Soo Horjeda ayaa Dejinaya Manhajka Ardada Minnesota
Marka siyaasad iyo waxbarashada caruurta la isku qaldo maxaa ka iman kara?.... Wardheere  Nov 3

Caruurta Soomaaliyeed ee Minneapolis Qaarkood ma Gangs bay ku biireen?
Waa Daraasaad uu sameeyey Maxamuud Nuur Wardheere.. Guji..


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: Waa buug dhowaan soo baxay GUJI...

 Doodii gabdhaha Soomaalida Minnesota


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