w w w . s o m a l i t a l k . c o m
Galkaio, Somalia, November 24kii 2003
Kornel Abdullahi oo Lagu Eedeeyey Xatooyo Khayraadka Badda ee Somaliya
Galkaio City, Somalia, November 24ki 2003 – Somali Peace Rally – Somaliya
beryahaan dambe waxaa ku habsatay dhibaato baaxad weyn, oo badankeeda ay wadaan
dad sheeganaya inay yihiin hogaamiyeyaal. Magaca Hogaamiye qarnigan la joogo
waa erey nasiib daran.
badan waxaa horey loo sheegay sun lagu duugay carro Somaaliyeed, waxaase intaas
oo dhan ka xoog batay tuugo cad iyo dibindaabyo lagu hayo khayraadka badda ee
Somaliyeed oo weliba ay wadaan dad kooban. Bililiqada iyo xaalufinta Kornel
Cabddullaahi Yusuf ee khayraadka badda ee Somaliya waa mid maanta isha lagu
wada hayo.
Bartamihii 1998kii, waxaa uu arrintaas dhaca iyo xaalufinta uu Cabdullahi hore
ugu xilsaartay nin ku can baxay dulaalnimo iyo musuq-maasuq. Waa nin hore ugu
kala dab qaadi jiray Cabdullahi iyo ninkii ay isku dhawaayeen ee Jen. Caydiid.
Waxaa xiiso leh in Cabdullahi ku calaacalay asagoo geed hoostiis fadhiya, waa
markii laga soo raacdeeyey Garoowe ka dib markii dadkii ku gadoodeen: "waxaa
manta iga dhigay cayr nin markii aan madaxda ahaa i oran jiray aabbe". Asagoo
ula jeeda sida ninkaasi ugala gooyey lacagtii laga soo qaadi jiray maraakiibta
badda saran ee Hartgroup ee bililiqada cad ku hayay kheyraadka badda
Ka dib markii uu xoog ku qabsaday Puntland, Cabdullaahi wuxuu hadda helay
fursad uu ku aruursado wax alle wixii lacag ah ee uu u baahdo, ayadoon cidna ka
daba hadlin. Waxaa markhaati ma doonto ah in lacagtii dadka canshuurta loogaga
soo qaaday in toos Garoowe loogaga diri jiray Nairoobi ayadoo loogu isticmaalo
riyadii doorasho doonka ee ka socday Kenya– waa shirkii ay fashileen
Cabdullaahi iyo dawladihii dabada ka waday. Si lacag loo sii helo waxaa uu
hadda Dulaal kale ugu xilsaaray inuu lacag ugaga raadiyo Asiyada bari. Waa
mashruucaas tan keentay in odaygu si tuuga ah ugu duulo Thailand. Waxaa la
ogsoon yahay in Cabdullahi Dubai ugaga dhuntay wasiiroo ku sheeg la socday si
aysan u ogaaan xisaabaadka dahsoon ee odayga dhaca iyo dilka ku gaboobay.
Tuugada hantida ummadda waxaa ka daran xaalufinta badaha Somaliya, Waxaa SPR ka
walaacsan tahay sida nacasnimada ah ee Cabdullahi uusan dan uga lahayn dhibta
ay keenayaan shirkadaha uu heshiiska la galo oo isticmaala sanco hore oon waxba
ka reebayn bad-joogta xitaa kuwa yar-yar, ee wada jillabanaya wax alle wixii ay
qabato shabaagtoodu. Waxaa taas lagu fasiray, in Cabdullahi yahay nin aan waxba
saas u sii fiiriin waxa ka imaan kara tillaabooyinkiisa. Haddii uu lacag ka
helayo, shiddo kuma haysa dhibta soo gaaraysa badda Somalida, haddii uu madax
noqonayo, macne uma leh dastuur ama dimoqoraadiyad, sida ay tibaaxayaan dadka
Isku soo duu-duuboo, safarka Cabdullahi ee
Thailand wuuxuu ummadda Puntland iyo Somaliba u keeni karaa labo dhibaato.
Badaha Somaliya oo si raqiisnimo ah loo xaalufiyo iyo xatooyo xoolo dad dhibban
oo Somaliyeed – maxaa Cabduulaahi kaga duwan yahay Munyaha Yeman ku haysta
Marakiibtii Somaliaya? Waa su'aal gar ah in la isweydiiyo. Munye waa
qab-qablaha kaliya ee dibedda dalka ku nool. Ma aha cajiib in Cabdullahi lacag
badan ka soo qaatay ninkaas loona isticmaalay madashii khasaaraha –
Galkaio City, Somalia, November 24th 2003
Col. Yousuf Urged to Sttop Pillaging Somalia’s Marine Resources
Galkaio City, Somalia, November 24th 2003 – Somali Peace Rally – The citizens
of Somalia have continued to witness many brigand type activities committed by
no one but someone claiming the title of a leader, an unfortunate word in
today's Somalia.
Reports of toxic waste dumped in Somali territory are widespread. However, the
plaguing of Somalia’s marine resources by few individuals with pecuniary
motives has become a daily occurrence. Col. Abdullahi Yusuf of Puntland and his
commission taking practices ARE a case in point.
Right after the set up of Puntland State of Somalia, the Col. Yousuf had
appointed well known middleman for exploiting Puntland’s marine resources. The
exploitation of Somali marine resource was a deal between the Colonel and an
unscrupulous businessman who had already made deals between the Colonel and his
buddy, Gen. Aidid. During Puntland turmoil in 2002, it was reported that
Abdullahi lamented under a tree in Gaalkacio while kicked out of Puntland's
capital (Garoowe) with a popular revolt, “I was betrayed by a man who used to
call me daddy, I am penny less because of conman”, referring to the commissions
swindled via fishing contracts with the so-called Hartgroup company.
After a bitter civil war in Puntland, Col. Abdullahi is now in charge of
Puntland, obviously without accountability. It is no secrets that the revenue
of Puntland people has been diverted from Garoowe to Nairobi for political
expenditure at the ill-fated national conference in Kenya torpedoed by Col.
Abdullahi and his sponsors.
To perpetuate his dubious deals in Somalia's high seas, the Col. Abdullahi has
now recruited another thug, to arrange similar secret contracts in Thailand in
November 2002. Abdullahi abandoned his so called ministers in Dubai to keep
them away from his secret side trips to Thailand. In the last two years,
millions of dollars have been swindled by Abdullahi and his company through
similar secret deals. Most of this money has been used for building up militia
in order to suppress the people through the barrel of the gun.
It is not only theft that SPR is concerned about. We are concerned about the
negative effects these deals have for biodiversity. The vessels that Abdullahi
gave fishing permits are involved in sweeping high-value tuna, shark and ray
fins, lobster, deepwater shrimp and demersal Whitefish, according to source
knowledgeable to marine science. People who know Col. Yousuf very well
confirmed to SPR that he is a man who is not known for due diligence. "If he is
getting money for building up his warlordship, biodiversity is not an issue for
him. If he will stay in power, constitution or democracy has no meaning for
him", was argued by his critiques.
"The implications of Abdullahi’s suspicious deals for Puntland/Somalia are of
two fold – the resources of the land are stolen by one man and a collaborating
gang. Millions are siphoned off in foreign accounts, some of which is used for
warlordism, buying armies and recruiting thousands of militias to suppress his
people – the biodiversity of the beautiful seas of Somalia is jeopardized by
the reckless and uncontrolled fishing vessels.
It is about to time ask, how is Col. Yousuf different from Mr. Munye who is the
only warlord residing outside the country – Yemen. It is no surprise that Col.
Abbdulahi recently milked $1million from Munye for the ill-fated reconciliation
exercise in Kenya. Obviously, Abdullahi decided to exploit Somali marine
resource for personal greed and power hungry dreams.
Afeef: Aragtida Qoraalkan waxaa leh qoraaga ku
Faafin: SomaliTalk.com | Nov 24, 2003
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Usheeg Asxaabtaada
Allah Is Great
Saciid Wesing :
“dabcan waxa ugu horreeya ee aan Allaah
weydiisanayo waa Jannada, kadibna inuu soo islaamiyo dhammaan qoyskayga ee aan
muslimka ahayn”...
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Diinta Islaamka..
Dacwadii Aba Sheikh
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ah ay ku garaaceen Seattle afar sano kahor oo weli kujira coomo ayaa...
Nin Soomaali ah oo Lagu Xukumay 8 Sano
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Fataax waa xaafid qur'aan Somali ah oo
muujiyey GUJI
Luuq Ganaane, 1987
Waa wiil yar oo Somaliyeed oo nayl yar dhabta kuwata xilli nabadana
dhexjooga Bilicda dhulka Soomaaliya.