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Galkaio, Somalia, June 30kii 2003


Dacwad-suge Doorasho ma leeyahay?

Galkaio, Somalia, June 30kii 2003 – Somali Peace Rally – Waxaa SPR marar badan ka hadashay in xalka Somalia ku jiro ayadoon la illaawin wixii hore u soo dhacay, gaar ahaan dhacdooyinka ay geysteen dad
hadda saxaaxadda siyaasadda ku jira. Haddii ama la inkiro ama afka dufan laga mariyo utun iyo ku xad gudub xaquuqul iinsaan waxaa imaan inay hadba meel ka butaacdo, in in-badan oo Somalinimo jeceli dib uga istaagto heshiis qaran markay ku aragto kii dilay kii dad u xigay oo ama madaxnimo sheeganaya ama leh baarlammaan baan ku jira oo anaaba sharciga dalka dejinaya.

Dhawaaqii cusbaa ee Amina Axmed Warsame afadii marxuum Cabdiraxmaan Caydiid lagu toogtay Dirir-dhabe (1984) wuxuu ahaa mid u baahan taageero iyo bari taar. Taas waxaa sii xoojinaya dhawaaqyo kale ee la mid ah ee ka soo yeeraya qoysas kale ee ka soo jeeda gobollada Puntland ee farta ku wada fiiqaya eedaysane Cabdullahi Axmed Yuusuf. Waxaa si xooggan u eedaynaya Kornaylka qoyska Suldaan Hurre oo dad badani aaminsanyihiin in ilaalada waardiyehiisu ay ku dishay Kalabayr (17.08.2002), Cabdullahayna goobtaas ku sugnaa. Dacwada Suldaan Hurre vs. Col. Cabdullahi Yusuf waxay ka socotaa carriga Ingriiska.

Waxaa ayana hadallo kul-kulul ka soo yeerayaan dad ka dhiidhiyey dilkii foosha xumaa ee Col. Faarax Dheere oo asna loo haysto inay dishay isla ilaalada Kornaylka. Labadaas dhacdo midna laguma sanayn wax baaris ah, inkastoo uu Puntland sheeganayo inuu ka taliyo Col. Cabdullahi Yusuf naftigiisu.

Iyadoo ay jiraan dad kale oo ku dhintay dil siyaasadeed, ayaan waxaa si weyn u muuqata inaysan qarsoonayn dilka saddexdaas marxuum oo isugu jiray siyaasiyiin, Isimmo iyo saraakiil sare ee millateri. Waxaad mooddaa inay gaaban tahay xasuusta shacabkla Somaliyeed. Waxaa la yaab leh inay ninkii
loo haystay intaas oo dhib ah iyo rogis beelo badan ee nabad u deggan uu maanta doonayo inuu u istaago madaxnimo qaran. Waa nasiib darro inay taasi dhacdo. Waa nasiib darro Somali sii kala fogaynaysa in asaga iyo intii loo haystay dil dad kale ay ama isku dayaan inay barlammaan galaan ama haywaystaan inay noqdaan madax qaran.

Ugu damabyan, SPR waxay si buuxda u garab taagan tahay waxa alle iyo wixii ka dhiidhiya dil sayaasadeed ama ku tumusha xaquul-insaan, sida dilkii Cabdiraxmaan Caydiid, Suldaan Hurre, Faarax Dheere iyo qaar kaloo badan.

. November.30.2002
. Sept.25.2002
. August.18.2002
. October 2001
. August.20.2001
. August.8.2001
. July.27.2001
. July.25.2001
. June.19.2001
. June.13.2001
. May.31.2001
. November 17, 2000
. July 19- May 22, 2000
. July 19- May 17, 2000
. May 13 - March 21, 2000
. May.30.2001
. May.18.2001
. February.21.2001
. February.15.2001
. Febraury.14.2001
. February.9.2001
. Fedbruary.21.2001
. February.6.2001


Galkaio City, Somalia, June 30th 2003


Should a Defendant Run for a National Leadership of Somalia?

Galkaio City, Somalia, June 30the 2003 – Somali Peace Rally – Somali Peace Rally (SPR) has reiterated many times that the human rights atrocities in Somalia should be addressed rightly. Particularly the brutal political assassinations allegedly committed by personalities currently in active politics.

If the travesty in justice continues, Somalia will never see full stability and the perennial national reconciliation would be a farce. Many a good Somali will stay away when they see people accused of mass executions seeking immunity – a parliamentary seat or a higher leadership. That means defendants will be making the laws of the country.

The recent call for a justice from Abdirahman Aidid’s widow is worth rallying behind. Her husband was brutally killed in Dire-dawa in 1984. Similar calls are coming from families that hail from Puntland. All these accusations are finger pointed at no one but a presidential aspirant – Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. It is widely believed that the body-guards of the Colonel gunned down Sultan Hurre on 17.08.2002 in Kalabayr with orders of Mr. Yusuf himself. A criminal proceeding (Suldan Hurre vs. Col. Abdullahi) is now in progress in the UK.

Similar statements are also coming from the families of other victims of political assassinations. The killing of Col. Farah dheere in a broad-day light in Garoowe is believed to be the work of the Col. Abdullahi’s bodyguards. All of these killings and others were never investigated despite the Colonel’s claim that he rules Puntland.

Many Somalis have been killed in cold-blooded manner. Why the above ones are different from the others? They were driven by political motives, and the defendant is known, and indeed he claims that he is charge of where most of the assassinations took place - Puntland. (He was the leader of SSDF –in whose headquarters Aidid was killed). The victims were high profile politicians, Elders and senior military officers. These are serious accusations.

It is unfortunate that a defendant of serious crimes is today putting his name forward to lead a nation. We Somalis have a short memory. Isn’t it?

Finally, Somali Peace Rally strong supports all those who stand against human rights atrocities, particularly the brutal assassinations allegedly committed by people in office. We, Somali Peace Rally, stand beside the families and friends of Abdirahman Aidid, Sultan Hurre, Farax dheere and many others. We hope that justice prevails one day.

Copyright & Islaamku wuxuu ka qabo.... Akhri

Afeef: Aragtida Qoraalkan waxaa leh qoraaga ku saxiixan

Faafin: | June 30, 2003

 .... Copyright & Islaamku wuxuu ka qabo.... Akhri

Kulaabo bogga hore ee



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