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Sidee Looga Baxaa Fidnada
Kulan Diineedkii Labaad ee Soomaalida Waqooyiga Ameerik oo ka dhacaya Ohio.... GUJI

Wasiiradii dalka dhacay ee dambiyadana ka galay ayaa iyadoo la rabay in la dhiso dawladdii la xisaabtami laheyd ayaaba waxaa Carte isu soo sharaxay sadex Wasiiradii Siyaad Bare kalana ahaa C/qasim Salaad-Boy, C/llahi Caddow, iyo Mohamed SH. Osman sidii la yiri dhurwaayo hilibka ku rarta!!!

Aakhirkiina, halkaasna waxaa Ina Ismaaciil Cumar Geele door biday C/qasim isagoo islahaa xoolo wuxuu
xadi karay xadyay marna dadka xaqdarada ka wada Somaliya ee sii kala daranaa isagaa tii dacwadaha
loo heystayba ka dhashay, xalna u heli kara.....
Fikraddaas mala awaalka aheydna waxaa dhabteedii la ogaaday in yar ka dib Carte oo dhalisay maanta
ina Geelle oo xatooyo ku soo barbaaray uu la yaaban yahay sida uu C/qasim keligiis gacanta ugu dhigay
50 Malyan oo Doolar isagoo sharciga PMininsterku uu awooddu leeyahay.

Marka mar kale, sooma ma ah C/qasim dur dur ooman oo xaaraan walwaal ah, soomana oran
karo markaas,

" Ninkii doonyo heestoo......Dahabkana barkanayee

Wixiisu deeqiwaayeen.......Dur dur oomay weeyee...

Hoos ka akhri maqaalka ingiriiska ku qoran ee Dawo , kuna qoray Arab News mudane Dhuxul..

If Firewood Becomes Cold, Who Will Warm It?
Salad F. Duhul • Special to Arab News

JEDDAH, 19 August 2003 — Although the three-year mandate of Somalia’s
Transitional National Government (TNG) expired on Aug. 12, it has
indicated that it will not step down.

TNG Information Minister Abdirahman Adan Ibbi told reporters last week
that his administration will stay in power until a new government is

The TNG President Abdi Qassim Salad, who walked out of the Somali peace
talks in Kenya two weeks ago, accused the organizers of the peace talks
of favoring the dismemberment of Somalia.

President Salad convened a session of parliament at the weekend in which
votes of no-confidence were expressed in the TNG prime minister, Hassan
Abshir Farah, and the speaker of parliament, Abdallah Derow Issak. Both
men were the TNG chief negotiators at talks, which brought together
representatives from more than twenty warring Somali parties. The
participants of the talks are drafting a federal constitution for
Somalia, a overture to choosing members of parliament that will elect
the next president.

Many Somalis say a major concern is whether the TNG president will give
up his post.

They view the TNG remaining in power could worsen the reconciliation
process and could also add a new dimension to Somalia’s twelve years of

In fact, the TNG was formed in neighboring Djibouti in 2000 by Somali
clan leaders and civil society groups. Many Somalis expected miracles
from the new administration. They eagerly await the government’s first
steps toward pacification and reconciliation. There must be talks with
the opposition aimed at accepting the central authority; the nearly-dead
economy must be revived and thousands of militias loyal to clan warlords
must be disarmed. But what has the TNG achieved in the last three years?

President Salad said in his inaugural address that his first job would
be to talk to his opponents. The TNG has not made any meaningful
contacts with the warlords and its opponents still control most of
Somalia, its territory and resources. The TNG has failed to exert its
control over the capital city.

On the other hand, some entrepreneurs in Mogadishu have taken advantage
of the non-functioning banking network. These individuals, who were
supporters of the TNG, imported counterfeit Somali shillings in early

The TNG bought imported counterfeit notes valued at $3 million. The end
result was that the Somali shilling fell from 8000 to the dollar to

“Donations of millions of dollars by friends of Somalia to the TNG have
been misappropriated. We demand accountability for that money,” said a
statement issued by a local Somali Human Rights non-governmental
organization. The NGO claimed that TNG had received $24 million from
Arab countries and millions more from other sources.

Some commentators believe that these entrepreneurs have been undermining
the peace process as they finance and support the warlords.

The businessmen have taken advantage of the non-functioning government
and have avoided paying taxes or legal dues. They have no desire to see
a new national government, regarding it as a threat to their lucrative

In fact, the International Community has allowed the TNG to occupy
long-vacant Somali seats in such international and regional forums as
the UN, OAU, Arab League, Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and
many other bodies.

The Somali people do not only want a government to represent them
internationally. They need a lasting peace, genuine reconciliation and
effective central administration.

A Somali poet once said, “If firewood becomes cold, who will warm it? If
medicine becomes sick, who will cure it?”

He was referring to a government that had failed to fulfill its duties.

Can we read the poem in the present context of Somalia?

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Faafin: | Aug 22, 2003 

Copyright & Islaamku wuxuu ka qabo.... Akhri


Quraan 114 Suuradood ee Qur'aanka

 .... Copyright & Islaamku wuxuu ka qabo.... Akhri

Kulaabo bogga hore ee

Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxaa leh qoraaga ku saxiixan


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: Waa buug dhowaan soo baxay GUJI...

XAAFID QUR'AAN cFatax Cabdul Fataax waa xaafid qur'aan Somali ah oo wacdaro muujiyey GUJI

Luuq Ganaane, 1987

wiil Waa wiil yar oo Somaliyeed oo nayl yar dhabta kuwata xilli nabadana dhexjooga Bilicda dhulka Soomaaliya.

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