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WAR-SAXAAFADEED /Press release:

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Warsaxaafadeed kasoo baxay SPR: Hoos Akhri

Xawaalada Hilaac oo ballan qaadeysa adeeg degdega: Ha moogaan HILAAC

Dire-dawa, November 30th 2002



Dire-dawa, November 30th 2002, October 21st 2002 – Somali Peace Rally – Ayadoosan uusan qallalin qalinkii heshiiskii Eldoret ee xabbad joogjinta, ayaa Col. Yusuf hadda u tafaxaytay inuu dagaal ku qaado fariisamaha ciidamdada ka soo horjeeda ee deggan meesha la yiraahdo Dhudo. Dhawrista go'aankii qaramada midoobay ee hubka ka joojinta Somalia warkiisaba daa.

Kornaylka oo asbuuc ka hor ka tagay Eldoret, ayaad hadda mooddaa inuu ku yimid khal-khal cusub ka dib markii uu soo gaaray deegaanka Dhudo ninkii ay hore madaxda uga wada ahaayeen halgankii hubaysnaa ee ururkii SSDF, waa Gen. Adde Muuse. Ka dambe oo ay weheshaan saraakiil sar-sare ee uu ka mid yahay Col. Ilka Jiir ayaa hadda wada dadaal ay ku abaabulayaan mileeshiyada ka soo horjeedda kaligi taliye Col. Abdullahi Yusuf. Marka saraakiishaasi timid ayaa ciidanka Dhuudo jooga aad u kordhay.

Taasi waxay keentay in Cabdullaahi asbuucaan dhexdiisi u cararo dhankaas iyo Itoobiya asagoo raadinaya hub iyo rasaas si uu u sii wado wixii xilka lahaa ee uu ku caan baxay - dad layn. Waxaa la rumaynayaa in Kornaylku uu soo amray saraakiishiisa Gaalkacyo joogta si ay ugu soo dirto saddex N-3, kuwaas oo ay tahay inay Galladi (magaalada xadduuda ku taal) yimaadaan kaddibna ay xirtaan taargo Itoobiyaan ah ilaa intay Dirir-dhabe ka soo noqonayaan. Waa isla baabuurtii hore ugaga soo daabuli jirtay hubka kornayl islma meeshaas.

I  I  D  H  E  H

Waxaa SPR ugu yeeraysaa beesha caalamka gaar ahaan hay’ada UN-ka ee ilaalisa xeerka hubka mamnuucida Somaliya inay muujiyaan feejignaan ishana ku hayaan hubka Somaliya kaga imaanaya bariga, iyo colaadda cusub ee Kornaylku ka aloosayo Buntilaan oo hore caan ugu ahaan jirtay deggenaansho. Yaan rag xog doon ahi imaan Puntland sannad ka dib ayadoo xeer iyo fandhaal kale dhecee.

SPR waxay ballan qaadaysaa inay sii wadda il ku haynta ku xadgudubka Kornaylka ee xaquuqda aadamiga ee Buntlaan iyo meelo kaleba. SPR waa dhaleecaynayaa durbaanka cusub ee kaligi taliye Cabdullahi Yusuf garabka surtay iyo dhiigga uu dadka walaalaha ah ka daadinayo. Waa in isha lagu hayaa tillaabooyinka qar iska tuurka ah ee Kornayl Yusuf. 

Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkaas waa mid u gaara SPR


Dire-dawa, November 31st 2002


Col. Yusuf’s War-drums In Puntland State of Somalia

Dire-dawa, November 31st 2002 – Somali Peace Rally – Despite the recent signing of cease fire amongst the Somali warlords at Eldoret, and notwithstanding the UN's embargo of weapon to Somalia, Col. Yusuf of Puntland is gearing up for new attack at the stronghold of his political enemies at Dhudo in Bari region of Puntland.

The Colonel who left Eldoret about a week ago obviously decided to wage a war against Dhudo where his former Comrade-in-arms, General Adde Musse has recently established a command post for consolidating the Anti-Yusuf resistance. General Adde is accompanied by distinguished military officers including Col. Ilkajiir. These new developments and the swelling of number of fighters in Dhudo worried the Colonel.

In the middle of this past week Col. Yusuf flew to Ethiopia in order to seek ammunition and other military assistance in order to extend his trade mark to the areas outside his brutal hegemony. Reportedly, Col. Yusuf asked his commanders in Gaalkacyo to send three N-3 Fiat trucks to Dire-dawa. The trucks will change their Somali plate numbers at Galladi, a border town, and will proceed to their destination with Ethiopian plate numbers. It is the same trucks that have hauled weapons continuously from Dire-dawa for the last few years.

The international community, including the UN team monitoring the violation of the ban on weapons to Somalia should take note of the Colonel's naked efforts to re-start a new bloodshed in Puntland. The relevant institutions should not pencil-totting teams to Puntland next year.

Somali Peace Rally (SPR) will closely monitor the Colonel's efforts to wreak havoc in a previously peaceful region. It is no secret that this dictator committed atrocities against human rights in Puntland, and this trend is expected to continue. SPR is condemning the new war drums in Puntland, and asking all parties involved in Somali affairs to be vigilant on the Colonel's new suicidal actions in Puntland and elsewhere. 

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here those of the authors, and do not necessary reflect the opinion of SomaliTalk

Qoraalkii hore ee SPR


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