Galkacyo, Somaliya, Agosto 28kii 2002
Hogaan Dhaqmeedka Puntland oo Ku Baaqay Nabad iyo Ixtiraamida Rabitaanka
Gaalkacyo, Somaliya, Agosto 28kii 2002 – Somali Peace Rally – SPR oo soo
dhaweynaysa baaqa adag ee ay soo jeediyeen hogaan dhaqmeedka Puntland ee
bishan Agosto 25keedii fadhiga ku yeeshay magaalada Qardo, odayaasha hogaan
dhaqmeedka oo ku baaqay taagro nabad waarta iyo ixtiraamida rabitaanka
bulshada reer Puntland ee Somaliyeed.
Baaqa odoyaal dhaqmeedka Puntland wax yaabaha uu ku baaqayo waxaa ka mid ah
in Korneel Cabdullahi Yusuf uu cidamadiisa xaqdarada ku hayta Gobolada Bari
uu sharuud la-aan ka saaro si loo xakameeyo dhibaatada ay wadaan, in
la-magaacobo gudi madax banaan oo baritaan ku sameeya falalka xun iyo
xasuuqa ay geysteen Kornel Yusuf iyo ciidamadiisa ka amar qaata, in
la-abuuro jawi hishiis nabadeed, iyo in laga codsado hay-adaha xaquuqda
bini-aadanka u dooda in ay baritaan ku sameeyaan xasuuqa ka dhacay gobolada
Baaqa odoyaasha reer Puntland waxa uu si qoto dheer uga turjumayaa dareenka
dhabta ah ee ay reer Puntland u rabaan in la soo afjaro awooda sida
fuulxumada leh uu u isticmaalayo Kornel Cabdullahi Yusuf oo si qoto dheer u
burburinaya qaabka iyo nidaamka bulshadeed ee reer Puntland.
Hogaan dhaqmeedka reer Puntland ee ku shiray magaalada Qardho waxa ay
muujiyeen bisayl dulqaad siyaasadeed iyo cabir wanaagsan oo dhiiri galinaysa
in la-helo nabad waari karta iyo sinaan dhamaan gobolada puntland ee
Somaliyeed, iyo waliba la-dagaalkan dhaqanka kali-talinimada ah, iyo suurto
galinta nidaam ku salysan ixtiraamka rabitaanka bulshada reer Puntland.
Baaqa odoyaasha waxa uu kalsooni weyn siinayaa bulshada reer Puntland,
siyaasiintooda nabada jecel iyo ururada bulshada ee ka shaqeynaya helitaanka
nabada lagu waaro iyo aburintaanka jawi lagu xalin karo dhibaatooyinka
puntland haysta. Wada hadal iyo dulqaad oo kaliya ayaa suurto galin kara in
bulshada reer Puntland ay go-aansato siyaasadeeda mustaqbalka.
Dhibta ka jirta Puntland waa mid ka timid ix-tiraam la-aanta uu kornel
Cabdullahi uu u hayo dastuurka Puntland iyo waliba kornelka oo aan cabiri
karin dhibaatada foosha xun ee ka imaan karta ficiladiisa ku salaysan xooga.
Kornel Cabdullahi iyo taageerayaashiisa waxaa ka go-an in ay daqliga ka soo
gala canshuurta gobolada ku maal galiyaan ficilo loogu tala-galay in lagu
qeybiyo bulshada reer Puntland iyo waliba in soo xoog leh lagu xukumo
bulshada iyaga oo adeegsanaya xoogag ajnabi ah iyo cidamadooda calool u
shaqeystayaasha ah.
SPR waxa ay ugu yeeraysaa hogaan dhaqmeeka Puntland, wax-garadkiisa iyo
ururadiisa bulshada in ay ka shaqeeyaan dhisida tirarka asaaska u ah
amniga, xasiloonida, cadaalada iyo ixtiraamida xaquuqda bini-aadanimo ee
bulshada. SPR waxa ay sidoo kale si xoog leh ugu yeeraysaa hogaan
dhaqmeedyada in ay ka hortagaan in ayna Puntland noqon meel buburkeeda iyo
colaadeeda ay sii dheeraato.
Waxaanu aad u soo dhaweynaynaa go-aamada xigmada ku dhisan ee odoyaasha
reer Puntland ay ugu baaqayaan helitaanka nabad waarta iyo ixtiraamka
rabitaanka bulshada reer Puntland ee Somaliyeed.
Galkaio City City, Somalia, August 28th 2002
Puntland Traditional Clan Elders of Somalia Ask for Democracy and Peace
Galkaio City, Somalia, August 28th 2002 – Somali Peace Rally – The Somali
Peace Rally (SPR) welcomes the strong statement of traditional clan elders
at Qardo City meeting, issued on August 25, in support of democracy and
peace in the Puntland State of Somalia.
The statement of Puntland Clan elders insists on, among other things, to
remove the militiamen of Col. Abdullahi Yousuf from illegitimately captured
cities of Bari regions so as to bring the horrendous evil activities of Col
Yousuf to an end, to set up independent committee so as to shed a light on
mass human rights violations in the Puntland State, to generate a
reconciliation process, and to request International human rights
organisation to send experts with capacity to investigate human rights
violations in Puntland State of Somalia.
The statement by Puntland clan elders is a profound manifestation of the
sentiment of the Puntland people for an end to the power abuse and the
destructive activities by warlord Col. Abdullahi Yousuf who profoundly
dented the social fabric of Puntland people.
The Puntland traditional clan elders in Qardo City displayed political
tolerance and good judgement which in turn strongly encourage sustainable
and equitable peace stability in whole regions of Puntland State,
elimination of dictatorial characters in the regions and call for
effective democratic regional institutional arrangements.
The statement gives confidence to Puntland people, Puntland politicians and
civil society to strive for a lasting peace in Puntland and to generate a
principled, balanced and comprehensive framework for the resolution of all
the issues that underlie Punland State’s current political crisis. It is
through a dialogue that the Puntland people will decide their political
The crisis in Puntland is a crisis arising from Col. Yousuf’s culture of
lack of respect to constitutional principles and his inability to gauge the
consequences of his contempt of the law of the land. Col. Yousuf and his
supporter are determined to spend the taxpayers’ collected money in all
sorts of activities to divide people of Puntland and firmly rule the people
with foreign forces and their selfish militiamen.
The SPR urges Puntland clan elders, intellectuals and civil society to build
the pillars of stability in all regions of Puntland State: security,
justice, peace and respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms.
The SPR also strongly urges the Puntland traditional clan elders to prevent
the Puntland State from degenerating into catastrophes.
We, Somali Peace Rally (SPR), endorse our clan elders’ wise decision for
calling for a lasting peace and democracy in Puntland State of Somalia.