Ururka Midowga Ardayda Soomaaliyeed oo
Minnesota Ka Abaabulaya Shir Ballaaran
"Waa Shir wax loogu Qabanayo
Waxbarashada Dalkeena Hooyo" MSSU
Waxaa shirkan marti qaadaya Ururka Midowga Ardayda Soomaaliyeed oo ah
urur ay ku bahoobeen ardayda iyo aqoonyahanada Soomaaliyeed ee wax ka barta
jaamacadaha iyo kulliyadaha ku yaalla gobolka Minnesota.
$20.00 qofkii
$10.00 ardayda & waayeelka
Cunto fudud iyo cabitaan bilaasha
Wixii faahfaahin ama su’aal ah kala soo xiriir: Tiiceey (952)220-0867
Ujeedada ugu wayn ee shirkan waxey tahay in lacagta ka soo xaroota tikidhada
shirkan loogu deeqi doono waxbarashada sare ee dalkeenii.
Maalinta Jimcaha, Aug 16, 2002
saacada: 4:30 galabnimo
Qolka shirka ee WILLEY HALL oo ku yaala Jaamacada Minnesota.
Qodobadda Shirka Looga Hadli Doono:
Shirkan waxaa ka hadli doona aqoonyahano Soomaaliyeed oo falanqayn doona
sidee bulshadan Soomaaliyeed ee soo barakacday wax u qabsan lahaayeen una noqon
lahaayeen bulshadii berito.
Sideen Soomaalideenan soo barakacday aan qayb wayn uga qaadan lahayn dhisida
qaybaha waxbarasho ee dalkeenii.
Sidii ay waalidka soomaaliyeed ee ku nool qurbaha xil isaga saari lahaayeen
gacan qabashada caruurtooda dhinac walba.
Sidii qoomiyadeenan kusoo barakacday dhulalka shisheeye aan u dhisi lahayn
urur midaysan oo wax qabad u leh bulshadeena iyo sidaan uga warhayn lahayn
isbadaladii dhacay 9/11 kadib.
Dib u heshiisiinta iyo xal u helida dhibaatada Soomaaliyeed.
Sidii looga badbaadi lahaa looguna faa’iidi lahaa qurbaha.
Dhibaatooyinka nabaadguur ee ka dhacaya dhulkeenii: Dhibka ay keeni karaan
mustaqbalka, iyo sidii looga hortagi lahaa.
Waxaan daawan doonaa labo cajaladood oo ku saabsan:
Waxbarashadii Soomaaliya.
Nabaadguurka dalkeenii.
For more inf. Or suggestions please Contact
Tiiceey 952 220-0867, tiiceey72@msn.com
Date: Aug 16, 2002
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Place: WILLEY HALL [Willey Hall is located
Next to the Wilson Library]
The purpose of this conference is fundraising
that will benefit the Higher Education in Somalia.
Topics of Discussion:
The conference will present Somali scholars
who will discuss “in order to be a better community what do we have to do?”
some of the topics include:
Somali Diaspora contributes to building
educational institutions.
Somali parents responsibility for child
upbringing in the Diaspora.
How can Diaspora Somalis develop effective
social organizations and be aware of the changes after 9/11.
State of environmental destruction in
Somalia: what is the response!
Two documentaries will be presented.
Key Speakers:
Prof. Abdi I. Samatar…(Prof. @ U of MN)
Prof. Ali K. Galeydh
Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed
Drs. Fawsiyo Abraar
And many more…...
For more information
Contact Tiiceey 952-220-0867
Entry fees:
$20.00 per person
$10.00 for students with ID and senior citizen
Refreshments & Snacks will be provided
Amal Money Wire
Halal market
Salama Communication
Mecca Halal Meat
A*G Market, Inc
Safari Restaurant
Grand & Lake
Halaal Market
Hamdi Restaurant
Sahara Restaurant
Money Wire
This Conference is organized by Minnesota Somali Student Union (MSSU), an
organization representing Somali students @ local colleges & universities.
Topics of Discussion:
The conference will present Somali scholars
who will discuss “in order to be a better community what do we have to do?”
some of the topics include:
Somali Diaspora contributes to building
educational institutions.
Somali parents responsibility for child
upbringing in the North America.
How can Diaspora Somalis develop effective
social organizations and be aware of the changes after 9/11.
Somali Peace and Reconciliation
How we can benefit & safe gourd in our
culture in North America.
State of environmental destruction in
Somalia: what is the response!
Two documentaries will be presented.
Key Speakers:
Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed. MD
Prof. Abdi I. Samatar…(Prof. @ U of MN)
Halimo I. Ibrahim…(Somali scholar)
Prof. Ali K. Galeydh …(Prof. @ U of MN)
Ibrahim Sh. Mohamed…(Islamic Scholar)
Please visit our website www.mssu.net
Sponsored by:
West Bank Grocery
Bakery & Halal Meat
Accident & Injury Center
Posted: August 14, 2002
July» GUJI
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Janaury 2002
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